Sunday, November 8, 2009

Why an experimental codex?

The most straightforward answer would be: why not? =)
With the recent release of the new 5th edition codices we all noticed a certain trend towards increasing the power of single units
and giving each army powerful, characteristic abilities. This has ceated somewhat of an unbalance between armies that got a new codex
and the ones who did not, but this is not the main reason for the existence of this fan made codex... after all there are some armies
that had very old codices even before the advent of the new 5th edition ones (like Dark Eldar or Necron). The main drive behind this work
is the question "what would a '5th edition style' Tau codex look like?", to try and use all the good and cool ideas people had to make
this happen, and generally to have fun trying to tweak a new ruleset to be balanced with the new trend of codices.
While writing it I tried (and will keep trying during the revisions) to keep true to the Tau doctrine of war and to the paradigm that
is behind this army, sorry but you won't find melee Tau or BS4 basic troops here :p .

As a closing note, I would like to make it extremely clear that this work is purely amateurish and with no commercial interest. it is not
intended as a challenge to Games Workshop's intellectual property in any way: all registered trademarks, names and so on that may appear
in it are property of GW or their respective owners and used without permission. These are House Rules, you may NOT use them in an official
tournament or without consent of your opponent. Again, this is NOT an official Tau codex, is just the ideas of many Tau fans folded together
to be used in friendly matches.

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